Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog 
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Numbering System

The following lists include all courses normally offered at Albion College. However, not all courses are offered every year. When possible, courses offered in alternate years are designated. For details, students should consult the Class Schedule for each semester, available online at: The College reserves the right to add or withdraw courses without prior announcement, as conditions may require.

Unless otherwise stated, 100 level courses are intended for freshmen, 200 level for sophomores, 300 and 400 level for juniors and seniors.

A list of courses which meet the core and category requirements, organized by departments, is available online at

Further information may be obtained at the Registrar’s Office in the Ferguson Student, Technology, and Administrative Services Building.


Political Science: Special Studies

  • PLSC 188: Selected Topics

    (1/2 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PLSC 189: Selected Topics

    (1 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PLSC 287: Selected Topics

    (1/4 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PLSC 288: Selected Topics

    (1/2 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PLSC 289: Selected Topics

    (1 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PLSC 387: Selected Topics

    (1/4 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PLSC 388: Selected Topics

    (1/2 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PLSC 389: Selected Topics

    (1 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PLSC 391: Internship

    (1/2 Unit)
    Prerequisite: Permission of department.
    Offered on a credit/no credit basis. Staff.
  • PLSC 392: Internship

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: Permission of department.
    Offered on a credit/no credit basis. Staff.
  • PLSC 401: Seminar

    (1/2 Unit)
    Individual research within context of small group discussion and analysis of a common topic of politics. Staff.
  • PLSC 402: Seminar

    (1 Unit)
    Individual research within context of small group discussion and analysis of a common topic of politics. Staff.
  • PLSC 411: Directed Study

    (1/2 Unit)
    Individual research on a senior thesis under tutorial direction of the faculty. (Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 to take a Directed Study in political science.) Staff.
  • PLSC 412: Directed Study

    (1 Unit)
    Individual research on a senior thesis under tutorial direction of the faculty. (Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 to take a Directed Study in political science.) Staff.

Psychological Science

  • PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology

    (1 Unit)
    Covers the principal areas of psychology. Participation in faculty-supervised experiments required of students age 18 and over. Psychology 101 is a prerequisite for all other psychology courses. Staff.
  • PSYC 187: Selected Topics

    (1/4 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PSYC 188: Selected Topics

    (1/2 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PSYC 189: Selected Topics

    (1 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PSYC 204: Research Design and Statistical Analysis I

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisites: PSYC 101  with a grade of 2.0 or higher and a 200-level lecture-based course, or permission of instructor.
    An introduction to the theory and practice of research methods in psychology with an emphasis on descriptive designs. Focuses on naturalistic, archival, and survey methodology with discussion of descriptive statistics, probability, Chi-square, z-scores, correlation, and multiple regression. Lecture and laboratory. Course normally taken during second year. Christopher, Elischberger, Francis, Hill, Jechura, Wieth, Staff.
  • PSYC 206: Research Design and Statistical Analysis II

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 204  with a grade of 2.0 or higher, or permission of instructor.
    Further exploration of the theory and practice of research methods in psychology with an emphasis on experimental designs. Focuses on both simple and complex designs with discussion of z-test, t-test, ANOVA (one-way, repeated measures and factorial), and MANOVA. Lecture and laboratory. Course normally taken during second year. Christopher, Elischberger, Hill, Jechura, Wieth, Staff.
  • PSYC 210: Educational Psychology

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101  or Education 101.
    Educational psychologists develop and apply theories of teaching, learning, and human development to determine the most effective ways for educators to teach students. Ideas about human learning and development impact many teaching activities, including lesson planning, structuring exercises, and diagnosing learning difficulties. Students will discuss how educational psychologists have studied and contributed to educational approaches worldwide including instructional design, educational technology, curriculum development for different content areas, classroom organizational learning, special education and classroom management. This course advances students’ understanding of what constitutes typical learning and development, and the mechanisms that influence learning in educational settings across the globe. Francis.
  • PSYC 230: Health Psychology

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisites: PSYC 101  and PSYC 204 , or permission of instructor.
    The role of behavior in the prevention of disease and in the enhancement of health. Looks at behavior in relation to stress, pain, cardiovascular disease, cancer, alcohol abuse, weight control, psychoneuroimmunology. Contrasts biomedical and biopsychosocial approaches to health and disease. Jechura.
  • PSYC 236: Social Psychology

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 .
    The scientific study of the ways people think, feel and behave in social situations. Topics include self-perception and self-presentation, person perception, stereo-typing and prejudice, interpersonal attraction and close relationships, altruism, aggression, attitudes and persuasion, conformity, and group processes. Also examines theory and research in several applied areas of social psychology, including law and health. Hill, Staff.
  • PSYC 241: Neuroscience I: Brain Structure and Function

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 , or BIOL 195 , or permission of instructor.
    An introduction to brain structure and function. Emphasis on the way the nervous system is organized to process information, construct representations of the world and generate adaptive behavior. Lecture, discussion, dissection. Same as NEUR 241 . Jechura, Keyes, Schmitter, Wieth, Wilson.
  • PSYC 243: Psychology of Perception

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 .
    Operation of sensory systems and major principles of perception. Addresses the classical question, “Why do things look as they do?” Not offered every year. Wieth.
  • PSYC 245: Psychology of Learning

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 .
    A survey of major concepts and issues in conditioning, learning and memory processes. Emphasizes research dealing with the ways learning and memory interact with other variables such as development and species-typical behavior. Lecture and laboratory. Not offered every year. Wilson.
  • PSYC 247: Drugs, Brain, and Behavior

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 .
    This course is intended as an introduction to the study of drug use, abuse, and addiction, with a focus on recreationally-used drugs. Basic principles of pharmacology and neural transmission will be examined to better understand how drugs influence our brain and behavior. The impact of drug use on society, as well as intervention approaches, will be considered throughout the course. Wieth, Wilson
  • PSYC 251: Child and Adolescent Development

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 .
    Focuses on physical, cognitive, social and emotional development with emphasis on the periods of infancy, childhood and adolescence. Reviews methods for studying the developing person and major theoretical approaches. Elischberger, Francis, Keyes, Staff.
  • PSYC 254: Lifespan Development

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101  
    Focuses on physical, cognitive, social and emotional development across the lifespan. Adopts an integrative and interdisciplinary approach to understanding the human experience from birth to death. Elischberger, Keyes, Staff.
  • PSYC 260: Psychology of Language

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 .
    Examines the relationship between the uniquely human cognitive capacity of language and other cognitive processes. Acquisition, comprehension, production, and utilization are studied with particular reference to structure and meaning. Not offered every year. Staff.
  • PSYC 265: Abnormal Psychology

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 .
    Reviews major theories of abnormal behavior as well as related techniques of diagnosis and therapy; considers various emotional/behavior problems (e.g., schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, eating disorders and depressions). Keyes, Staff.
  • PSYC 267: Psychology of Personality

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 .
    Examines the major theories of personality. Attention is given to the relevance of each personality theory to the students’ own personality development. Staff.
  • PSYC 287: Selected Topics

    (1/4 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 .
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PSYC 288: Selected Topics

    (1/2 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 .
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PSYC 289: Selected Topics

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 .
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • PSYC 304: Psychological Assessment

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 204 .
    The principles of psychological assessment and the general process of clinical diagnosis. Deals with the construction, evaluation, administration and interpretation of widely-used measuring instruments. Offered in alternate years. Staff.
  • PSYC 336: Research in Social Psychology

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisites: PSYC 206  with a grade of 2.0 or higher, or permission of instructor.
    Focuses on either social cognitive processes or interpersonal relations. Guides the upper-division student through an intensive review of social psychological theory in either social cognition or interpersonal relations. Emphasizes how to assess and employ methodologies that affect explanations, interpretations, and applications of human social cognition and behavior. Laboratory work stresses the inextricable link between theory, methodology, and statistical analyses. Projects relating to one of these two areas closely parallel the process of professional research in social psychology. Christopher, Hill, Staff.
  • PSYC 346: Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisites: PSYC 101  or E&M 101  and PSYC 204  or E&M 235 , or permission of instructor.
    Focuses on personnel selection, evaluation and employee training and development. Emphasizes criterion development, motivation, job satisfaction, leadership and conflict resolution in industrial and organizational settings. Christopher, Staff.
  • PSYC 348: Research in Behavioral Neuroscience

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisites: PSYC 206  with a grade of 2.0 or higher and PSYC 241 /NEUR 241 , or permission of instructor.
    Examines the methodology of behavioral neuroscience research. Focuses on a review of the major means by which brain/behavior relations can be determined (i.e., lesion, stimulation, and recording studies) as well as an examination of much that has been learned using these procedures. Laboratory work covers at least two of these procedures in detail: human electrophysiology and a lesion, stimulation, or drug experiment in animals. Jechura, Wilson.
  • PSYC 378: Research in Cognitive Psychology

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisites: PSYC 206  with a grade of 2.0 or higher or permission of instructor.
    A review of recent studies of attention, memory, concept formation, problem solving and related areas. Focuses on the ability of humans to select, code, store, organize and retrieve information. Lecture and laboratory. Wieth.
  • PSYC 380: Introduction to Counseling

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisites: PSYC 101 , PSYC 204 , PSYC 267 .
    A study of the major theories and current approaches to counseling and psychotherapy. Emphasizes important communication skills necessary in providing a helping relationship to another person. Opportunity is provided through videotape for students to learn and practice some of these basic skills. Staff.
  • PSYC 387: Selected Topics

    (1/4 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101  or permission of instructor.
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. May be taken more than once for credit. Staff.
  • PSYC 388: Selected Topics

    (1/2 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101  or permission of instructor.
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. May be taken more than once for credit. Staff.
  • PSYC 389: Selected Topics

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: PSYC 101  or permission of instructor.
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. May be taken more than once for credit. Staff.
  • PSYC 395: Forensic Psychology

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisites: PSYC 204 , PSYC 251  and PSYC 265 , or permission of instructor.
    Explores the psychology of criminal behavior, from causes through prevention or intervention and ending with punishment and rehabilitation. Provides an understanding of the criminal mind, based on knowledge of developmental and abnormal psychology. Staff.
  • PSYC 398: Practicum

    (1/2 Unit)
    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and declared psychology major, human services concentration, or neuroscience concentration, junior or senior standing.
    Supervised experience in an applied setting and the opportunity to reflect upon and evaluate this experience in a weekly group meeting. May be repeated once. Offered on a credit/no credit basis. Keyes.
  • PSYC 399: Practicum

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and declared psychology major, human services concentration, or neuroscience concentration, junior or senior standing.
    Supervised experience in an applied setting and the opportunity to reflect upon and evaluate this experience in a weekly group meeting. May be repeated once. Offered on a credit/no credit basis. Keyes.
  • PSYC 401: Seminar

    (1/2 Unit)
    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.
    The study of a specific problem area in the discipline. Examples of topics include Psychology of Women and Men, History of Psychology, Psychology and Law, and Culture and Cognition. Staff.
  • PSYC 402: Seminar

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.
    The study of a specific problem area in the discipline. Examples of topics include Psychology of Women and Men, History of Psychology, Psychology and Law, and Culture and Cognition. Staff.
  • PSYC 411: Directed Study

    (1/2 Unit)
    Highly recommended for majors. Admission is by permission of instructor. Staff.
  • PSYC 411: Directed Study

    (1 Unit)
    Highly recommended for majors. Admission is by permission of instructor. Staff.
  • PSYC 412: Directed Study

    (1 Unit)
    Highly recommended for majors. Admission is by permission of instructor. Staff.
  • PSYC 416: Senior Research Seminar

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
    Guides students completing a senior thesis through all aspects of the research process. Focuses on data analysis, interpretation and reporting on the results of student research projects. Considers both theoretical and practical research issues. Staff.

Public Policy and Service

  • PBSV 101: Introduction to Public Service

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: Membership in the Gerald R. Ford Institute for Leadership in Public Policy and Service.
    Introduces new Ford Institute students to public policy and public service issues. Examines a broad range of themes including ethics, civic engagement, the history of public service in the United States and contemporary public policy concerns. Offered in the fall. McLean.
  • PBSV 331: Urban Leadership

    (.25 Unit)
    Prerequisites: sophomore status and must be nominated by a member of the faculty
    This course introduces students to leadership in an urban setting primarily through a week spent in a major city. Students learn from leaders in the areas of business, government, the nonprofit sector, journalism and academia and work in teams to address challenges faced by cities. Students should have sophomore status and be nominated by a faculty member.
  • PBSV 391: Internship

    (1/2 Unit)
    Offered on a credit/no credit basis. McLean.
  • PBSV 392: Internship

    (1 Unit)
    Offered on a credit/no credit basis. McLean.
  • PBSV 397: Senior Colloquium

    (1/2 Unit)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
    Analysis of selected public policy issues. Colloquium includes discussion of the economics, politics, social and ethical factors that go into the making of public policy. Offered in the spring. McLean.
  • PBSV 401: Seminar

    (1/2 Unit)
    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or permission of instructor.
  • PBSV 402: Seminar

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or permission of instructor.
  • PBSV 411: Directed Study

    (1/2 Unit)
  • PBSV 412: Directed Study

    (1 Unit)

Religious Studies

Note: Courses in religious studies carry no prerequisites unless specified under the course listing. The 101 and 102 courses do, however, provide useful background for other courses in the department and thus are recommended for students who may elect more than one course in the department.

  • RS 101: Introduction to Western Religions

    (1 Unit)
    An introduction to major Western religions as represented by Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Topics include the nature of religion and religious experience in the West; origins and development of each major religion; sacred literature, formative myths, symbols and fundamental tenets; forms of religious expression, spirituality and worship; and the relationship to the world as seen in ethical orientations and institutions. McWhirter, Mourad.
  • RS 102: Introduction to Eastern Religions

    (1 Unit)
    An introduction to major Eastern religions as represented by Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shinto. Topics include the nature of religion and religious experience in the East; origins and development of each major religion; sacred literature, formative myths, symbols and fundamental tenets; forms of religious expression, spirituality and worship; and the relationship to the world as seen in ethical orientations and institutions. Valdina.
  • RS 104: Introduction to Islam

    (1 Unit)
    An introduction to the beliefs and practices of Islam in its various manifestations, with additional emphasis on the history, politics and gender issues that have both influenced and been influenced by Islam. Analyzes the information, and misinformation, on Islam as presented in the news media and on the Internet. Valdina.
  • RS 121: History, Literature and Religion of the Old Testament

    (1 Unit)
    A developmental study of the major events, individuals and central religious and ethical ideas of ancient Israel, based on the literature of the Hebrew Bible and relevant data from the archaeology and history of the ancient Near East. McWhirter.
  • RS 122: History, Literature and Religion of the New Testament

    (1 Unit)
    The New Testament and other writings of the early Christian period studied as literary, historical and ethical-religious sources for an understanding of Jesus, Paul and the emerging Christian movement. McWhirter.
  • RS 131: Introduction to Christian Thought

    (1 Unit)
    Classical themes and modern variations: emotion and reason, world and God, death and self-transcendence, guilt and forgiveness, meaninglessness and the sense of the holy. Mourad.
  • RS 187: Selected Topics

    (1/4 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • RS 188: Selected Topics

    (1/2 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • RS 189: Selected Topics

    (1 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • RS 204: Islam and the Modern World

    (1 Unit)
    An examination of ideas and movements related to Islam’s interaction with the West in the modern period, including Muslim intellectual responses to issues like colonialism, modernism, secularism, nationalism, democracy, science and women’s rights. Also includes political developments in certain Islamic countries. Valdina.
  • RS 205: Islamic Mysticism

    (1 Unit)
    An introduction to Islamic mysticism. Looks at the historical development of Sufism, its contributions to Islamic civilization and to the spread of Islam, its literature, key themes such as love and drunkenness, distinctive practices including music and dance, and the ways it has adapted to the modern world, including in the West. Valdina.
  • RS 206: Women, Gender, Islam

    (1 Unit)
    Examines the role of gender, and the construction of gender, in the history of Islam. Begins with the historical roots of the topic and examines presentations of gender in the Qur’an and the early sources of Islam. Explores case studies in the contemporary world, including the contexts in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Valdina.
  • RS 211: Hinduism

    (1 Unit)
    Indian philosophical world views, ritual expressions and moral orientations: Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Vedanta. Offered occasionally. Valdina.
  • RS 212: Buddhism

    (1 Unit)
    Spring Indian, Chinese and Japanese philosophical world views, ritual expressions and moral orientations. Theravada, Mahayana, Ch’an, Zen. Offered occasionally. Valdina.
  • RS 215: Jewish Life and Thought

    (1 Unit)
    The world of Jewish life and thought as reflected in both ancient and modern Jewish writings. An analysis of selected biblical, rabbinic and medieval classics, as well as modern Jewish literature. McWhirter.
  • RS 220: Legend, Wisdom, and Apocalypse

    (1 Unit)
    Historical and literary analysis of Jewish literature in the Second Temple Period, including the legends of Esther and Judith, the wisdom of Ben Sirach, the apocalyptic visions of Daniel and Enoch, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Looks at how this body of work constitutes important background for Jewish and Christian origins. McWhirter.
  • RS 222: Jesus and the Gospels

    (1 Unit)
    An investigation of five Gospels: the canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, along with the Gospel of Thomas. Historical and literary analysis, leading to an evaluation of their usefulness as sources for reconstructing the life and death of Jesus. McWhirter.
  • RS 232: Faith and Reason

    (1 Unit)
    Explores epistemology, or the theory of knowledge, as it applies to religious belief. Focuses on the nature of faith and asks whether faith is irrational according to thinkers such as Blaise Pascal, John Locke, Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. Mourad.
  • RS 234: Philosophy of Religion

    (1 Unit)
    Philosophical examination of several classic religious problems, including the nature of God, the proofs of God’s existence, the justification for evil and suffering, the rationality of belief in miracles and the nature of the afterlife. Offered occasionally. Same as PHIL 234 . Mourad.
  • RS 242: Christian Ethics

    (1 Unit)
    An introduction to the foundations and applications of Christian theological ethics. Investigates Christian perspectives on moral issues such as sex and marriage, medical ethics and social justice. Mourad.
  • RS 250: Mysticism and Ecstasy

    (1 Unit)
    A study of mystical and ecstatic experiences focused primarily on the Christian tradition. Includes discussion of the limits and puzzles of mystical language and the value of religious experiences as evidence. Are mystics reasonable if they base their beliefs on religious experiences? Do their experiences provide any support for other people’s religious beliefs? Offered occasionally. Mourad.
  • RS 251: Yogis and Ascetics

    (1 Unit)
    What does it mean to want to renounce the world? When do the conditions of society cause us to want to transcend everyday life in a radical way? Explores the historical development of concepts of yoga and renunciation in South Asia as they extend into Hindu, Jain and Buddhist practices. Themes include the relation between dissent and social responsibility, the difference between negation and affirmation, and the roles of wandering and control of the body in ascetic practices. Valdina.
  • RS 261: Death and Dying

    (1 Unit)
    Human longing for a meaningful explanation of the mystery of death and dying is deep and universal. This comparative course examines a wide array of beliefs and rituals related to death and dying in a select number of world religions. In addition to gaining intellectual familiarity with cross-cultural beliefs and practices, students will be encouraged to analyze familiar religious and cultural practices surrounding death and dying. Valdina.
  • RS 270: Liberation Theology

    (1 Unit)
    Examines Christian theological responses to poverty and social injustice emphasizing the theme of liberation. Includes analysis of liberation theology in 1960s Latin America and its influence on African American and feminist theologies in the U.S. Offered occasionally. Mourad.
  • RS 287: Selected Topics

    (1/4 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. May be taken more than once for credit. Staff.
  • RS 288: Selected Topics

    (1/2 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. May be taken more than once for credit. Staff.
  • RS 289: Selected Topics

    (1 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. May be taken more than once for credit. Staff.
  • RS 320: Gender and Biblical Interpretation

    (1 Unit)
    Methods of biblical interpretation and their relation to gender construct in society and biblical authority. Offered in alternate years. McWhirter.
  • RS 387: Selected Topics

    (1/4 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • RS 388: Selected Topics

    (1/2 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • RS 389: Selected Topics

    (1 Unit)
    An examination of subjects or areas not included in other courses. Staff.
  • RS 391: Internship

    (1/2 Unit)
    Offered on a credit/no credit basis. Offered on demand. Staff.
  • RS 392: Internship

    (1 Unit)
    Offered on a credit/no credit basis. Offered on demand. Staff.
  • RS 401: Seminar

    (1/2 Unit)
    Topics of special interest. Past seminars have included “C.G. Jung and Individuation,” “Religion and Existentialism,” “Theology of Sex and Marriage” and “Seminar on Ministry.” Offered occasionally. Staff.
  • RS 402: Seminar

    (1 Unit)
    Topics of special interest. Past seminars have included “C.G. Jung and Individuation,” “Religion and Existentialism,” “Theology of Sex and Marriage” and “Seminar on Ministry.” Offered occasionally. Staff.
  • RS 411: Directed Study

    (1/2 Unit)
    Prerequisite: Upperclass standing.
    Recent directed study topics have included “The Image of Mary Magdalene in Tradition”; “Yoga and Integration”; “Religious Perspectives on Marriage”; C.S. Lewis; Niebuhr’s Social Ethic; Philosophical Theology of Hans Kung; and “The Theology of Paul Tillich.” Hebrew and Greek are also taught regularly as directed studies. Staff.
  • RS 412: Directed Study

    (1 Unit)
    Prerequisite: Upperclass standing.
    Recent directed study topics have included “The Image of Mary Magdalene in Tradition”; “Yoga and Integration”; “Religious Perspectives on Marriage”; C.S. Lewis; Niebuhr’s Social Ethic; Philosophical Theology of Hans Kung; and “The Theology of Paul Tillich.” Hebrew and Greek are also taught regularly as directed studies. Staff.


  • SOC 101: An Introduction to Sociology

    (1 Unit)
    Provides students with the analytic tools for adopting a sociological perspective in order to better understand their own lives and the lives of others. Emphasis on how sociologists think about the social world, how they research that world, and what we know about the social world based on sociological research. From our most personal experiences such as our identities and our interactions with others to the broader organization of institutions such as family, government, media, religion, economy and education, students will be encouraged to explore how social forces shape their own experiences and life chances and the experiences and life chances of others. Melzer, Verduzco-Baker, Staff.

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